The Federal Curation Program provides the following services:
Acceptance of Collections
The MAC Lab’s Federal Curation program accepts Federally-owned archaeological collections from Maryland for curation that meet both State and Federal standards. The MAC Lab and Federal owners establish purchase orders or memoranda of understanding (MOUs) to outline obligations and fees. These partnerships allow for the direct delivery of collections to the MAC Lab.
Federal Compliance
Collections are stored in compliance with Federal regulations as outlined in 36 CFR 79: Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections.
Collections Access
The program works with clients to make Federal archaeological collections available for loans, research, education, and exhibit purposes to students, scholars, museum curators, and educators.
Collections Rehabilitation
The MAC Lab can repackage and organize Federal collections according to professional archival standards as needed.
Other Services
The program is responsible for facilitating Federal clients’ access to other collections-related services offered at JPPM such as artifact conservation, exhibit planning, and educational outreach.
Submission Information
Submission Forms (Microsoft Word or Excel documents, will download when link is clicked)
Contact Information
If you wish to receive any of the services listed above, please contact Sara Rivers Cofield, Curator of Federal Collections, at 410-586-8589, 410-586-3643 - fax, or