State Curation

​The State Curation Progr​am provides the following services:

Acceptance of Collections

The MAC Lab’s State Curation program accepts all collections either owned by or being donated to the State of Maryland.  All collections must meet State standards.  An appointment must be made to deliver a collection for permanent curation, at which time the Curator of State Collections will request the necessary forms to be faxed or emailed for review prior to delivery.  The total Collections Fee due will also be determined at this time, if applicable.

Collections Access

The program is responsible for making the State’s archaeological collections available for research, education, and exhibit purposes to students, scholars, museum curators, and educators.

​​Assignment of Lot Numbers and Isolated Find Numbers

​​The program is responsible for the assignment of lot numbers and isolated find numbers.  These numbers are unique identifiers, which are tied to provenience information.  It is imperative that archaeologists contact the State Curation program for the next available numbers to guard against duplication.

Technical Assistance


​Program staff is available to provide technical ass​istance and advice on the curation standards and best practices.

Submission Information


Submission Forms (Microsoft Word or Excel documents, will download when link is clicked)


Contact Information

If you wish to receive any of the services listed above, please contact Rebecca Morehouse, Curator of State Collections, at 410-586-8583, 410-586-3643 - fax, or